Our Leadership Board is in place to serve in the following ways:

  1. Pray, monitor and care for the Church's spiritual condition
  2. Guard the purity of doctrine and life of the church  
  3. Monitor the Church’s Biblical Ministry Direction
  4. Oversee the Senior Pastor’s Leadership and Ministry
  5. Policy and Decision-making
  6. Oversee the Church’s Fiscal Condition
  7. Arbitrate Disputes
  8. Appoint a Constitution/By-Laws Committee as needed
  9. Ordaining and licensing those called into full-time Christian service

For the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year, your Leadership Board consists of:

Gary Jourdan (Chairman) 

Shaun Hattis  (Vice-Chairman)

Dana Winright (Secretary)

Larry Bush

Lisa Coe

Jason Hardy

Melinda Rickert

Rich Ring

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