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Proverbs for Elections


September 3 - November 30

  • Psalms of Thanksgiving

    Nov 25   |  Heart of Worship - Psalm 92                            (devotions)

    Nov 26   |  Worship is a Verb - Psalm 95                            (devotions)

    Nov 27   |  Stories of Grace - Psalm 107:1-32                   (devotions)

    Nov 28   |  Pictures of Sovereignty - Psalm 107:33-43  (devotions)

    Nov 29   |  His Love Endures Forever - Psalm 136            (devotions)

    Nov 30   |  Blessing God's Heart - Psalm 150                    (devotions)

  • experiencing ezekiel - Ezekiel 40-48

    Nov 18   |  A New Temple - Ezekiel 40-42            (devotions)

    Nov 19   |  The Glory Returns - Ezekiel 43:1-12     (devotions)

    Nov 20  |  The Ultimate Altar - Ezekiel 43:13-27  (devotions)

    Nov 21   |  Holy Priests - Ezekiel 44                      (devotions)

    Nov 22   Living Like a King - Ezekiel 45-46        (devotions)

    Nov 23  |  The Lord is There - Ezekiel 47-48         (devotions)

  • experiencing ezekiel - Ezekiel 37-39

    Nov 11   |  Valley of Dry Bones - Ezekiel 37:1-14         (devotions)

    Nov 12  |  One Nation Under God - Ezekiel 37:15-28  (devotions)

    Nov 13  |  The Defeat of Gog - Ezekiel 38-39              (devotions)

    Nov 14  |  God's Purpose in History - Ezekiel 38           (devotions)

    Nov 15  |  The End of Evil - Ezekiel 39:1-24                (devotions)

    Nov 16  |  Then They Will Know - Ezekiel 39:25-29    (devotions)

  • proverbs for election season

    Nov 4  |  The King & His People - Proverbs 20:1-12                 (devotions)

    Nov 5  |  The King & the Lord - Proverbs 20:22 - 21:4           (devotions)

    Nov 6  |  Lessons in Leadership - Proverbs 28:1-5                   (devotions)

    Nov 7  |  What Are You Seeking - Proverbs 28:5-11                (devotions)

    Nov 8  |  Right v. Wrong - Proverbs 28:12-18                        (devotions)

    Nov 9  |  We Were Made to Thrive - Proverbs 28:28 - 29:27 (devotions)

  • PROVERBS for Election Season

    Oct  28  |  Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover - Proverbs 14:1-15  (devotions)

    Oct  29  |  Blessed is the Nation - Proverbs 14:16-35               (devotions)

    Oct  30  |  What God Hates - Proverbs 15                                 (devotions)

    Oct  31   |  Heart Condition - Proverbs 15                                  (devotions)

    Nov   1    |  God is Sovereign - Proverbs 16:1-3, 9-33               (devotions)

    Nov   2   |  A Gospel Perspective - Proverbs 16:4-8                   (devotions)

  • experiencing Ezekiel - Ezekiel 33-36

    October 21   |  Watchman Redux - Ezekiel 33:1-20    (devotions)

    October 22  |  Hearing Problem - Ezekiel 33:21-33    (devotions)

    October 23  |  The Good Shepherd - Ezekiel 34:1-16  (devotions)

    October 24  |  The Great Judge - Ezekiel 34:16-22    (devotions)

    October 25  |  A New Shepherd - Ezekiel 34:23-31    (devotions)

    October 26  |  A New Covenant - Ezekiel 35-36         (devotions)

  • EXPERIENCING EZEKIEL - Ezekiel 25-32

    October 14  |  Don't Pick On God's Kids - Ezekiel 25:1-11           (devotions)

    October 15  |  Grudges & Hatred - Ezekiel 25:12-17; 35:1-15  (devotions)

    October 16  |  An Amazing Prophecy - Ezekiel 26                       (devotions)

    October 17  |  Perils of Pride - Ezekiel 26-28                             (devotions)

    October 18  |  Who Do You Trust? - Ezekiel 29:1 -32:16            (devotions)

    October 19  |  Satan's Traps - Ezekiel 32:17-32                         (devotions)

  • experiencing ezekiel - Ezekiel 20-24

                                                     Habakkuk & Obadiah

    October  7   |  Standing in the Gap - Ezekiel 20:45 - 22:30  (devotions)

    October  8   |  Judgment is Coming! - Ezekiel 23-24              (devotions)

    October  9   |  Facing the Future with Faith - Habakkuk 1-3     (devotions)

    October 10  |  When God Doesn't Make Sense - Habakkuk 1-2 (devotions)

    October 11   |  Praise on an Empty Stomach - Habakkuk 3        (devotions)

    October 12 God of Justice - Obadiah                                (devotions)

  • experiencing ezekiel - Ezekiel 17-20

    September 30  The News is Parable - Ezekiel 17                    (devotions)

    October       1    |  Taking Responsibility - Ezekiel 18                  (devotions)

    October       2   |  Dirge of Destruction - Ezekiel 19                   (devotions)

    October       3   |  History of Rebellion - Ezekiel 20:1-29          (devotions)

    October       4   |  Continued Compromise - Ezekiel 20:30-38 (devotions)

    October       5   |  Hope for the Hopeless - Ezekiel 20:39-44   (devotions)

  • experiencing Ezekiel - Ezekiel 13-16

    Sept 23  |  False Hope - Ezekiel 13                                         (devotions)

    Sept 24  |  Idols in Your Heart - Ezekiel 14                              (devotions)

    Sept 25  |  A Useless Vine - Ezekiel 15                                    (devotions)

    Sept 26  |  Legacy of Wickedness - Ezekiel 16:1-34               (devotions)

    Sept 27  |  Getting What You Asked For - Ezekiel 16:35-52    (devotions)

    Sept 28  |  Hope at the End of the Tunnel - Ezekiel 16:53-63  (devotions)

  • experiencing Ezekiel - Ezekiel 7-12

    Sept. 16   |  Song of the End - Ezekiel                        (devotions)

    Sept. 17   |  Evil from the Top Down - Ezekiel 8              (devotions)

    Sept. 18   |  The Destroyers Come - Ezekiel 9                (devotions)

    Sept. 19   |  When God Leaves the Building - Ezekiel 10  (devotions)

    Sept. 20  |  Doom and Deliverance - Ezekiel 11              (devotions)

    Sept. 21   |  Blind & Deaf Hearts - Ezekiel 12                  (devotions)

  • experiencing ezekiel - Ezekiel 1:5 - 6:14

    Sept.  9   |  Cherubim of Fire - Ezekiel 1:5-14                        (devotions)

    Sept. 10  |  God's Throne Chariot - Ezekiel 1:15-28                (devotions)

    Sept. 11   |  Speak My Words - Ezekiel 2:1-3:11                      (devotions)

    Sept. 12   |  The Watchman's Warning - Ezekiel 3:12-21          (devotions)

    Sept. 13  |  When Words are Not Enough - Ezekiel 3:22-4:17 (devotions)

    Sept. 14  |  Hairs in the Wind - Ezekiel 5-6                             (devotions)

  • Experiencing Ezekiel - Introduction & chapter 1

    Sept. 2  |  Ezekiel & His Times - 2 Chronicles 34:1-33      (devotions)

                                                      2 Chronicles 35:20 - 36:14

    Sept.  3  |  Ezekiel & His Book - Ezekiel 1-3                          (devotions)

    Sept.  4  |  Ezekiel & His God - Ezekiel 34 & 36                  (devotions)

    Sept.  5  |  Setting the Scene - Ezekiel 1:1-3                       (devotions)

    Sept.  6  |  Your God is Too Small - Ezekiel 1:4-28              (devotions)

    Sept.  7  |  A Storm is Coming - Ezekiel 1:4                         (devotions)


& Touched by Jesus


  • Women who followed Jesus

    August 26  |  Mother Mary: Obedient Servant - Luke 2                   (devotions)

    August 27  |  Mother Mary: Grief to Joy - John 19                         (devotions)

    August 28  |  Samaritan Woman: Come & See - John 4                  (devotions)

    August 29  |  Martha of Bethany: Crisis of Faith - John 11               (devotions)

    August 30  |  Mary of Bethany: Extravagant Worship - John 12       (devotions)

    August 31   |  Mary Magdalene: Witness to Resurrection - John 20 (devotions)

  • lives Jesus touched

    August 19   |  Followers & Foes - Luke 5-6                  (devotions)

    August 20  |  Nick at Night - John 3:1-21                  (devotions)

    August 21   |  Faith That Shocked Jesus - Matthew 8 (devotions)

    August 22   Blind Man's Bluff - John 9                      (devotions)

    August 23   |  Rich Young Loser - Matthew 19            (devotions)

    August 24    |  Two Blind Men - Luke 18-19                  (devotions)

  • James: faith that works: James 5:19-20

    August 12  |  Wandering from the Truth pt 1 - James 5:19-20        (devotions)

                                                                            Hebrews 3:6 - 4:13

    August 13  |  Wandering from the Truth pt 2 - James 5:19-20       (devotions)

                                                                            Ephesians 4:1-16

    August 14  |  Danger of Wandering - James 5:19-20                    (devotions)

                                                               1 John 5:16-21

    August 15    Confronting the Wanderer - James 5:19-20              (devotions)

                                                                      Matthew 18:12-22

    August 16  |  Ministry of Reconciliation pt 1 - Galatians 5:13-6:10  (devotions)

    August 17  |  Ministry of Reconciliation pt 2 - Hebrews 12:1-13      (devotions)

  • james: faith that works: James 5:13-18

    August  5  |  Prayer in the Ups & Downs of Life - James 5:13      (devotions)

                                                                               Psalm 91-92  

    August  6  |  Prayer in the Frailties of Life - James 5:14              (devotions)

                                                                        Romans 12:9-16  

    August  7  |  Prayer of Faith pt 1 - James 5:15                            (devotions)

                                                          3 John 1:1-4

    August  8  |  Prayer of Faith pt 2 - James 5:15                           (devotions)

                                                           1 Thessalonians 5:1-28

    August  9  |  Prayer in the Church Family - James 5:16               (devotions)

                                                                       Romans 15:1-7

    August 10 |  Powerful Prayer - James 5:16-18                          (devotions)

                                                      1 Kings 17-18

  • James: Faith that Works - James 5:7-12

    July    29  |  Plea for Patience - James 5:7                                (devotions)

                                                   1 Peter 1:1-25

    July    30  |  Patient Farmer - James 5:7-8                               (devotions)

                                                   John 15:1-17

    July     31  |  Patience with People - James 5:8-9                       (devotions)

                                                            Philippians 2:12-18

    August 1   |  Patience in Suffering: Prophets - James 5:10          (devotions)

                                                                           Isaiah 6 / Jeremiah 1

    August 2  |  Patience in Suffering: Job - James 5:11                    (devotions)

                                                                   Job 1-3 & 42

    August 3  |  Let Your 'Yes' be Yes - James 5:12                            (devotions)

                                                           Matthew 5:33-37

  • James: faith that works - James 4:13 - 5:6

    July 22  |  Future Planning: Wrong Attitude - James 4:13-16        (devotions)

                                                                           Luke 12:16-21

    July 23  |  Future Planning: Right Attitude - James 4:13-15          (devotions)

                                                                        Ephesians 5:15-20

    July 24  |  Future Planning: Sins of Omission - James 4:17             (devotions)

                                                                           Psalm 37:1-11

    July 25  |  Fortune Building: Abuse of Property - James 5:1-3        (devotions)

                                                                               Matthew 6:19-25

    July 26  |  Fortune Building: Abuse of People - James 5:4-5          (devotions)

                                                                            Deuteronomy 24:14-15

    July 27  |  Fortune Building: Abuse of Power - James 5:6                (devotions)

                                                                           1 Timothy 6

  • James: Faith that Works - James 4:1-12

    July 15   |  Satan's Schemes: Conflict - James 4:1-3              (devotions)

                                                                 Galatians 5:13-26

    July 16   |  Satan's Schemes: Compromise - James 4:4-5      (devotions)

                                                                        1 John 2:15-17

    July 17   |  Satan's Schemes: Pride - James 4:6-8                 (devotions)

                                                             Ephesians 6:10-18

    July 18   |  Satan's Schemes Defeated - James 4:7-10          (devotions)

                                                                  1 Peter 5:5-11

    July 19   |  Satan's Schemes: Slander - James 4:11-12           (devotions)

                                                                 Matthew 7:1-5

    July 20  |   Total Trust - Proverbs 3:1-12                              (devotions)

  • james: faith that works - James 3:9-18

    July  8   |  The Deceitful Tongue - James 3:3-12                       (devotions)

                                                          Ephesians 4:25 - 5:20

    July  9   |  Woe of Worldly Wisdom - James 3:13-16                 (devotions)

                                                             Philippians 2:1-16           

    July 10  |  Gift of Godly Wisdom pt 1 - James 3:17                    (devotions)

                                                                1 Corinthians 1:18-31  

    July 11  Gift of Godly Wisdom pt 2 - James 3:17                     (devotions)

                                                                Colossians 1:3-14

    July 12  |  Gift of Godly Wisdom pt 3 - James 3:17                    (devotions)

                                                                Matthew 23:1-39

    July 13  |  Harvest of Godly Wisdom - James 3:18                     (devotions)

                                                                Proverbs 8:1-21

  • james: Faith That Works - James 1:26 - 2:13

    June 24   |  Doing God's Will - James 1:26-27                      (devotions)

                                                     Romans 12

    June 25   |  The Fact of Favoritism - James 2:1-4                  (devotions)

                                                             Galatians 6:1-10

    June 26   |  The Folly of Favoritism - James 2:5-7                 (devotions)

                                                              1 Corinthians 1:18-31

    June 27   |  Fixing Favoritism with Love - James 2:8               (devotions)

                                                                     Luke 10:25-37

    June 28   |  Fixing Favoritism with Mercy - James 2:9-13        (devotions)

                                                                       Romans 13:8-14

    June 29   |  Blessed is the Nation - Proverbs 14:16-35           (devotions)

  • James: faith that works - James 2:14 - 3:8

    July 1   |  Show and Tell Faith - James 2:14-25                     (devotions)

                                                    Ephesians 2:1-10

    July 2   |  Attitudes of a Dead Faith pt 1 - James 2:14-17       (devotions)

                                                                   1 John 3:16-24

    July 3  |  Attitudes of a Dead Faith pt 2 - James 2:18-20      (devotions)

                                                                   Matthew 7:13-27

    July 4  |  Examples of Living Faith - James 2:21-26              (devotions)

                                                            Romans 4:1-25

    July 5  |  The Terrible Tongue - James 3:1-5                          (devotions)

                                                     Psalm 34:1-26

    July 6  |  The Destructive Tongue - James 3:5-8                   (devotions)

                                                           Proverbs 26:18-28

  • James: Faith that works - James 1:13 -25

    June 17   |  The Blame Game - James 1:13-14                      (devotions)

                                                     1 John 1:5 - 2:6

    June 18   |  The Cycle of Sin - James 1:13-15                       (devotions)

                                                    Galatians 5:13-26

    June 19   |  God's Unchanging Goodness - James 1:16-17     (devotions)

                                                                      Mathew 7:7-20

    June 20  |  God's Unchanging Goal - James 1:17-18             (devotions)

                                                              1 Peter 1:13-25

    June 21   |  Hearing God's Word - James 1:19-21                  (devotions)

                                                          Psalm 1:1-6

    June 22   Obeying God's Word - James 1:22-25                (devotions)

                                                           Psalm 19:7-14

  • JAMES: Faith that works - James 1:1-12 / Psalm 148-150

    June 10   |  Call to Praise - Psalms 148-150                     (devotions)

    June 11    |  Faith that Works - James 1-5                           (devotions)

    June 12   |  Trials of Life - James 1:1-4                              (devotions)

                                              Matthew 5:1-12

    June 13   |  Faith that Doesn't Falter - James 1:5-8              (devotions)

                                                               Proverbs 1:1-7

    June 14  The Last Shall Be First - James 1:9-11                 (devotions)

                                                            Matthew 6: 19-24

    June 15   |  Blessing of Trials - James 1:12                           (devotions)

                                                     1 Peter 1:3-9

Psalms 108-147

MAY 6 - JUNE 8

  • psalms 140-147

    June 3  |  Battles Within & Without - Psalms 140-141  (devotions)

    June 4  |  Care Casting - Psalm 142                              (devotions)

    June 5  |  The I's of Faith - Psalm 143                            (devotions)

    June 6  |  Battle Belongs to the Lord - Psalm 144          (devotions)

    June 7  |  The Great King - Psalm 145                           (devotions)

    June 8  |  Hallelujah Connection - Psalms 146-147     (devotions)

  • Psalm 133-139

    May 27  |  Blessings of Unity - Psalms 133-134         (devotions)

    May 28  |  Pouring on the Praise - Psalm 135              (devotions)

    May 29  |  His Love Endures Forever - Psalm 136        (devotions)

    May 30  |  Too Sad to Sing - Psalm 137                      (devotions)

    May 31   |   In the Midst of Trouble - Psalm 138           (devotions)

    June  1   |  Fearfully & Wonderfully Made - Psalm 139  (devotions)

  • psalm 120-132

    May 20  |  Sticks and Stones - Psalm 120           (devotions)

    May 21   |  God Our Help - Psalms 121-124          (devotions)

    May 22   |  Great Things - Psalms 125-126           (devotions)

    May 23   |  Building a Legacy - Psalms 127-128  (devotions)

    May 24   |  A Sure Hope - Psalms 129-130           (devotions)

    May 25   |  Better Blessings - Psalms 131-132     (devotions)

  • Psalm 113-118

    May 13  |  Hallelujah - Psalm 113                         (devotions)

    May 14  |  Lessons from the Exodus - Psalm 114  (devotions)

    May 15  |  What's Your Idol? - Psalm 115              (devotions)

    May 16  |  Personal Public Praise - Psalm 116        (devotions)

    May 17  |  Hymn of the Savior - Psalm 117-118    (devotions)

    May 18  |  "I Will Sing of My Redeemer"       (devotions)

  • PSALMS 108-112

    May  6   |  Sing Them Over Again - Psalm 108         (devotions)

    May  7   |  When People Attack - Psalm 109:1-20  (devotions)

    May  8   |  At Your Right Hand - Psalm 109:21-31  (devotions)

    May  9   |  King & Priest - Psalm 110                        (devotions)

    May 10  |  Forever - Psalm 111                                (devotions)

    May 11   |  Bad Imitation - Psalm 112                       (devotions)

Ephesians & Jude

April 15 - May 4

  • The riches of his grace - Ephesians 5:21 - 6:24 & Jude

    April 29   Submission in Marriage - Ephesians 5:21-33  (devotions)

    April 30  Submission at Home - Ephesians 6:1-9          (devotions)

    May   1    Gearing Up for Battle - Ephesians 6:10-17     (devotions)

    May   2    Points on Prayer - Ephesians 6:18-24           (devotions)

    May   3    Contend for the Faith - Juke 1:1-16                  (devotions)

    May   4    In Safe Hands - Jude 1:17-25                         (devotions)

  • the riches of His grace: Ephesians 4:11 - 5:21

    April 22  |  Equipping & Edifying - Ephesians 4:11-16  (devotions)

    April 23  |  Put On - Ephesians 4:17-24                     (devotions)

    April 24  |  Put Off - Ephesians 4:25-32                    (devotions)

    April 25  |  Walk in Love - Ephesians 5:1-7                  (devotions)

    April 26  |  Walk in Light - Ephesians 5:8-14               (devotions)

    April 27  |   Walk Carefully - Ephesians 5:15-21          (devotions)

  • The riches of his grace: Ephesians 2:14 - 4:10

    April 15   |  Making Peace - Ephesians 2:14-18                   (devotions)

    April 16   |  Building the Church - Ephesians 2:19-22          (devotions)

    April 17   |  Revealing the Mystery - Ephesians 3:1-7           (devotions)

    April 18   |  Marveling at God's Grace - Ephesians 3:8-13    (devotions)

    April 19   |  Praying the Unimaginable - Ephesians 3:14-21  (devotions)

    April 20  |  Living Worthy - Ephesians 4:1-10                     (devotions)

  • the riches of his grace: Ephesians 1:1 - 2:13

    April  8   |  Portrait of a Church - Ephesians                          (devotions)

    April  9   |  The Father Plans - Ephesians 1:1-6                         (devotions)

    April 10  |  The Son Acts - The Spirit Seals - Ephesians 1:7-14  (devotions)

    April 11   |  Paul at Prayer - Ephesians 1:15-23                        (devotions)

    April 12  |  The Walking Dead - Ephesians 2:1-7                      (devotions)

    April 13  |  Being a Masterpiece - Ephesians 2:8-13                (devotions)

Road to easter

& Letters of John

February 10 - April 6

Praying the psalms

January 1 - February 3

  • praying the psalms - week 5

    January 29  |  When the Going Gets Tough - Psalm 3 (devotions)

    January 30  |  Blessing of His Presence - Psalm 21    (devotions)

    January 31   |  In God's Waiting Room - Psalm 40     (devotions)      

    February 1    |  Under His Wings - Psalm 57               (devotions)

    February 2   |  Powerful Thirst - Psalm 63                 (devotions)

    February 3   |  Prayer 9-1-1 - Psalm 70                     (devotions)

  • praying the psalms - Week 4

    January 22  |  Laughing at Sin - Psalm 5                 (devotions)

    January 23  |  The Breaking Point - Psalm 6            (devotions)

    January 24  |  What Happens in Vegas - Psalm 32  (devotions)

    January 25  |  Sewage of Sin - Psalm 38                (devotions)

    January 26  |  One Life to Live - Psalm 39              (devotions)

    January 27  |  Roadmap of Repentance - Psalm 51  (devotions)

  • praying the psalms - week 3

    January 15   |  Pray Together - Psalm 20                (devotions)

    January 16   |  I Love Your House - Psalm 27            (devotions)

    January 17   |  Prayer for Politicians - Psalm 72       (devotions)

    January 18   Praying for God's Glory - Psalm 79    (devotions)

    January 19   |  Prayer for Revival - Psalm 80           (devotions)

    January 20  Focus in the Storms - Psalm 86        (devotions)

  • Praying the psalms - week 2

    January  8   |  From Sorrow to Singing - Psalm 13      (devotions)

    January  9   |  Battling Bitterness - Psalm 35:1-18    (devotions)

    January 10  |  Workbook on Worry - Psalm 37:1-20 (devotions)

    January 11   |  When I am Afraid - Psalm 56              (devotions)

    January 12   Stress to Rest - Psalm 62                   (devotions)

    January 13   Depths of Despair - Psalm 88             (devotions)

  • Praying the psalms - week 1

    January 1   |  Seeking Guidance or the Guide - Psalm 25  (devotions)

    January 2  |  Strong Shepherd - Psalm 28                       (devotions)

    January 3  |  God of the Storm - Psalm 29                      (devotions)

    January 4  |  Into Your Hands - Psalm 31                        (devotions)

    January 5  |  Lessons Learned - Psalm 34                      (devotions)

    January 6  |  Thirsty for God - Psalm 42                        (devotions)


Dec 4 - 30

  • joy the the world

    December 25  Merry Christmas - Matthew 1:18-24              (devotions)

    December 26  History of the Hymn - Psalm 98                       (devotions)

    December 27  Prepare Him Room - Luke 2:4-20                    (devotions)

    December 28  |  Repeat the Sounding Joy - Psalm 96                (devotions)

    December 29  |  Far As the Curse is Found - Romans 8:18-39  (devotions)

    December 30  |  He Rules the World - Revelation 11:15-18      (devotions)

  • christmas story

    December 18   |  A Servant's Heart - Luke 1:5-38                       (devotions)

    December 19   |  A Humble Nativity - Luke 2:1-7                        (devotions)

    December 20  |  Birth that Changed the World - Luke 2:8-20     (devotions)

    December 21   |  Lessons is Worship - Matthew 2:1-12              (devotions)

    December 22   |  Scandal of Christmas - 1 Peter                      (devotions)

    December 23   |  Simple Christmas - Luke 1-2; Matthew 1-2   (devotions)

  • Hark! the heRAld angels sing

    December 11   History of the Hymn - Psalm 96                      (devotions)

    December 12  |  The Angels' Message - Luke 2:8-20                (devotions)

    December 13  |  Mystery of the Incarnation - Hebrews 2:5-18 (devotions)

    December 14  Who is Jesus - Isaiah 9:1-7; Malachi 4:1-6  (devotions)

    December 15  |  What Jesus Did - John 1:1-5; 10:22-30        (devotions)

    December 16  |  What Jesus Does In Us - Romans 5                 (devotions)

    Listen to 'Hark! The Herald Angels Sing' on YouTube

  • CHrist in Isaiah

    December 4  |  Immanuel - Isaiah 7:1-14                             (devotions)

    December 5  |  The Child Born, The Son Given - Isaiah 9:1-7  (devotions)

    December 6  |  The Branch - Isaiah 11:1-16                          (devotions)

    December 7  |  Tidings of Comfort & Joy - Isaiah 40:1-11     (devotions)

    December 8  |  The Light - Isaiah 60:1-22                           (devotions)

    December 9  |  The Anointed One - Isaiah 61:1-11                 (devotions)


Sept 11 - Dec 2

  • Isaiah's Servant Songs

    November 27   |  Darkened Eyes - Isaiah 42                 (devotions)

    November 28  |  Servant Serenade - Isaiah 49             (devotions)

    November 29  |  Costly Obedience - Isaiah 50             (devotions)

    November 30  |  The Marring of Christ - Isaiah 52         (devotions)

    December   1   Revealed in Weakness - Isaiah 53:1-6 (devotions)

    December   2   |  The Will of God - Isaiah 53:7-12        (devotions)


    November 20   |  Thankful for  God's People - Colossians 1  (devotions)

    November 21    |  Growing in Thankfulness - Colossians 2    (devotions)

    November 22   |  Heart of Thanksgiving - Colossians 3        (devotions)

    November 23   |  Selected Verses for Thanksgiving Day                (devotions)

                                    Psalm 9:1-2; Psalm 107:1, 21-22

                                    1 Corinthians 15:56-58; Philippians 4:6-7

                                    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

    November 24   |  Thankful for Prayer - Colossians 4            (devotions)

    November 25   |  Psalm of Thanks - Psalm 100                     (devotions)

  • Malachi

    November 13  |  Shut the Doors - Malachi 1:1-14                  (devotions)

    November 14  |  What Do Priests Do - Malachi 2:1-9             (devotions)

    November 15  |  Unfaithful Marriages - Malachi 2:10-17       (devotions)

    November 16  |  Refiner's Fire - Malachi 3:1-6                      (devotions)

    November 17  |  Selfish Hearts - Malachi 3:7-15                   (devotions)

    November 18  Sun of Righteousness - Malachi 3:16 - 4:6  (devotions)

  • Micah 5-7

    November  6   |  Dew & Deliverance - Micah 5:7-15 (devotions)

    November  7   |  Courtroom of God - Micah 6:1-8   (devotions)

    November  8   |  Verdict of God - Micah 6:9-16        (devotions)

    November  9   |  Hope in God - Micah 7:1-7               (devotions)

    November 10  |  Light of God - Micah 7:8-13            (devotions)

    November 11   |  Mercy of God - Micah 7:14-20       (devotions)

  • Micah 1-5

    October   30  |  Micah: An Introduction - Micah 1:1-2  (devotions)

    October   31   |  Sadness Over Sin - Micah 1:2-16        (devotions)

    November 1   |  Sinners & the Savior - Micah 2:1-13     (devotions)

    November 2   | The Power Principle - Micah 3:1-12     (devotions)

    November 3   God's Plan - Micah 4:1-13                  (devotions)

    November 4   King, Shepherd, Peace - Micah 5:1-6  (devotions)

  • Jeremiah 21-52 & Lamentations

    October 23  |  Narrow Escape - Jeremiah 37-38                         (devotions)

    October 24  |  Promise Keepers & Oath Breakers - Jeremiah 33-34 (devotions)

    October 25  |  Final Fall - Jeremiah 39-40, 52                           (devotions)

    October 26  |  After the Fall - Jeremiah 41-42                            (devotions)

    October 27  |  Unfaithful to the End - Jeremiah 43-44                 (devotions)

    October 28  |  God's Goodness in the Gutter - Lamentations 1-5   (devotions)

  • Jeremiah 18-31

    October 16    Dark Night of the Soul - Jeremiah 18-20              (devotions)

    October 17   The Bible on Fire - Jeremiah 25 & 36                (devotions)

    October 18   |  How to Spot a False Prophet - Jeremiah 27-28  (devotions)

    October 19   |  Good Figs and Bad Apples - Jeremiah 24 & 21   (devotions)

    October 20  |  Living in Exile - Jeremiah 29-31                         (devotions)

    October 21   |  Experiencing the New Covenant - Jeremiah 31    (devotions)

  • Jeremiah 1-12

    October  9   |  Standing Tall in a Crooked World - 2 Kings 22-25    (devotions)

    October 10  |  A Brief History of Crooked Times - 2 Chron. 34-36 (devotions)

    October 11   |  Call to be Unpopular - Jeremiah 1-2                       (devotions)

    October 12   |  A Dangerous Sermon - Jeremiah 7 & 26                (devotions)

    October 13   |  Eyes Full of Tears - Jeremiah 8-9                           (devotions)

    October 14  |  Running with Horses - Jeremiah 11-12                   (devotions)

  • kings of judah pt 2 - 2 Kings 16-20; 2 Chron. 33-36

    October 2  |  A Faulty King & the Future Messiah - 2 Kings 16

                                                                                   Isaiah 7       (devotions)

    October 3  |  Hezekiah's Crisis - 2 Kings 18-19                       (devotions)

    October 4  |  Hezekiah's Sickness - 2 Kings 20:1-11               (devotions)

    October 5  |  Hezekiah's Pride - 2 Kings 20:12-21                  (devotions)

    October 6  |  When Bad Kings Go Good - 2 Chronicles 33     (devotions)

    October 7  |  Josiah: The Lost Book - 2 Chronicles 34-36    (devotions)

  • kings of Judah pt 1 - 2 Chronicles 10-26

    September 25  |  The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly - 2 Chron. 10-13                                       (devotions)

    September 26  |  Asa: Dangers of Forgetting - 2 Chron. 14-16                 (devotions)

    September 27  |  Jehoshaphat: Dangers of Compromise - 2 Chron. 17-18  (devotions)

    September 28  |  Jehoshaphat: Power of Praise - 2 Chron. 19-20            (devotions)

    September 29  |  Joash: When Good Kings God Bad - 2 Chron. 22-24     (devotions)

    September 30  |  Amaziah/Uzziah: Dangers of Pride - 2 Chron 25-26      (devotions)

  • Elisha - 2 kings 2-13

    September 18   |  Time of Miracles - 2 Kings 2:1-18                   (devotions)

    September 19   |  New Prophet, Same God - 2 Kings 2:19-3:27 (devotions)

    September 20  |  God Supplies - 2 Kings 4                                (devotions)

    September 21   |  Healing Bath - 2 Kings 5                                 (devotions)

    September 22   When You're Surrounded - 2 Kings 6-7            (devotions)

    September 23  |  Last Call - 2 Kings 9 & 13                                (devotions)

  • Elijah - 1 Kings 16 - 2 kings 2

    September 11   |  Prophet of Fire - 1 Kings 16            (devotions)

    September 12  |  Standing Apart - 1 Kings 17            (devotions)

    September 13  |  Standing Alone - 1 Kings 18            (devotions)

    September 14  |  Feeling Alone - 1 Kings 19-20         (devotions)

    September 15  |  Standing Against - 1 Kings 21-22   (devotions)

    September 16  |  Standing Victorious - 2 Kings 1-2  (devotions)

Psalm 119

gospel of mark

June 26 - September 9


May 8 - June 25